First Settlers Marker

First Settlers


This tablet marks the landing place of the company which made the first permanent English settlement in this town, May 20, 1763. The little band consisted of Samuel and Sylvanus Scott, Timothy George, and David Libby, John and Solomon Stone, Daniel and Japhet Hill, Daniel Fogg, Isaiah Foster, Westbrook Berry, wife and three children, Isaac Larrabee, wife and three children, Joel Bonney, Wooden Foster, all of Scarborough, Thomas Buck of Plymouth and Jonathan Carlton of Sheepscot.

Erected 1904 by Hannah Weston Chapter, D.A.R.

44° 42.849′ N, 67° 27.57′ W.

Marker has been relocated to the grounds of the Burnham Tavern Museum, at the intersection of Colonial Way (Maine Route 192) and Free Street, on the left when traveling west on Main Street.